Monday, April 30, 2012

Course 3: Gum Paste & Fondant - Complete!

Happy Monday!

I hope all of you had a wonderful weekend.  Yesterday, I finished my final cake class for Course 3: Gum Paste & Fondant.  As I mentioned in one of my previous blog posts, I wanted to center my cake around the bow that I made in class last week.  My cake was a two-layered cake with purple fondant, a white bow, and pink and green flowers.  Check it out below! :-)

My classmate ( made the following cake, also centered around the bow.
So there you have it, after four weeks of class we were able to create an entire cake made of fondant.  :-)

What do you think?  


  1. Those are so pretty! And now I'm craving cake. I'd ask you guys to bring slices to zumba, but, um, that kinda defeats the purpose of zumba, ha.

    Where are you guys taking these courses?

  2. @ Sara - Thank you!!!! Too funny about your comment on bringing some cake to class. LOL. :-)

    We took the class at Micheal's Arts & Crafts, they have cake classes at all of their locations.
