Friday, April 27, 2012

Bake Even Strips - The Results!

Happy Friday!

I hope everyone is having a lovely morning, especially since it's Friday! I wanted to do a quick post about the baking strips. Yes, I broke down and bought them!  I just had to try them out.  :-)

So last night I baked my cake for my upcoming final cake class this weekend for Course 3: Gum Paste & Fondant.  As I stated in my previous post, I was having issues with my cakes rising too much in the middle and creating a dome shape.  I know all cakes will rise to some level, but I felt that mine were rising too high. Which in turn caused me to cut a lot of the cake off when I had to level my cake.  I read several mixed reviews about the baking strips, but I figured I will not know how they truly worked until I gave them a try.  Each day, I realize baking along with any other craft is all about trail and error.  

I made sure to follow ALL of the instructions listed on the back of the packet, as I did not want to miss any important steps.  The instructions were pretty easy to follow. I just had to soak the strips in cold water, then slowly drain the water out of them, and then place them on the pans prior to putting in the cake batter. I then evenly disbursed the batter between the two pans, and placed them into the oven for baking.

About 30 minutes later I was very impressed with my results.  The baking strips worked! My cake was not domed shaped, nor did it rise in the middle. The cake actually was pretty flat and leveled.  When I level my cake, I will not have to take off much at all.   I am definitely satisfied with my purchase of the baking strips and intend to give them a positive review.  :-)

Here are a few pictures that I took last night while baking my cake. 

Wilton Baking Strips 

Cake I made about a month ago, notice the dome shape/rising in the middle.

Cake I made last night utilizing the cake strips. :-)

Let me know what you think!  Have you tried to use the baking strips? If so, how was your experience.  

Thank you for taking the time out to read my post!  

Have a great weekend!
